You know you will be spending money at certain retailers and restaurants! Think about purchasing gift cards ahead of time and earn money for our school and your family at the same time. 50/50 is the rebate earning split.
All orders must be placed online only. You will be able to send in a check for payment but will also have the option to pay online via PrestoPay. (More information about PrestoPay below).
If you are new to the scrip program, please go to www.shopwithscrip.com and click register. Select “Join a Scrip Program”. Type in our enrollment code DEFL1BLF37466 and click Register. Please put your email address as your username and fill in the rest of the information and press Register. If you already have had an account set up from another school, all you have to do is change the enrollment code to our St. Mary’s enrollment code: DEFL1BLF37466.
Once you log in, you will see that there are hundreds of retailers that you can order gift cards from (Advance Auto Parts 7%, Amazon 3%, Barnes & Noble 9%, Best Buy 3%, Bon-Ton 8%, Cabela's 11%, Cheesecake Factory 5%, Cracker Barrel 9%, EBay 3%, Famous Footwear 8%, iTunes 5%, jcpenney 5%, Jo-Anne Fabrics 6%, Office Depot/Office Max 5%, Pizza Hut 8%, QVC 5%, Red Robin 9%, Southwest Airlines 4%, Subway 6%, Target 2.5%, Tim Horton's 5%, Xbox 6%) just to name a few. Rebate % subject to change. There are local retailers’ gift cards we carry. They won't be listed on the retailer list at shopwithscrip.com, but if you click on express order in your Dashboard and start typing in the local retailer (Crusciki Bakery 10%, Delta Sonic Car Wash [SuperKiss 50%, Inside/outside w/wash 36%, Oil change 20%], Frank's 20%, Tops 5%, etc.) the local retailers will show up.
To set up for PrestoPay for the very first time, you will have to select PrestoPay to enroll. This process takes a few days to do so. During the enrollment process, it will ask you for your bank account number and routing number. Within a few days Glscrip will deposit a few small deposits into your account, and you will have to enter those small deposits in your shopwithscrip account. You will then have to provide me with a PrestoPay verification code. You will then be all set to pay for your gift card order via PrestoPay. You will be prompted to enter a PrestoPay password for each and every order you pay for your gift card order. You will be charged 15 cents per order you pay with PrestoPay.
All orders need to be sent into school or placed online on Mondays by 10 a.m. in order for the cards to be returned to you by Friday of the same week. Your child will be called to the office for a message at the end of the day to pick up your Scrip card envelope.
Any questions? Please contact Carol Winiarski at 572-3698 or email her at [email protected].
Other Ways to Help
Target Visa card
We've discovered a terrific way to raise funds for SMH. It's super-easy, and all you have to do is use your Target® Visa® Credit Card. We will receive a percentage of the amount of each purchase in the form of a cash donation from Target through the Take Charge of Education® program. It's easy. Just visit target.com/tcoe.
TOPS in Education
Register your Bonus card with Tops and designate SMH as your school of choice. When you purchase participating TOPS brand, Full Circle™ , TopCare® , Tippy Toes, Valu Time® and Best Yet® products with your TOPS BonusPlus®, they will contribute up to 5% of your purchases to the school you have chosen. The more you shop, the higher percentage donated!.
Amazon Smile
By shopping Amazon Smile, you can support St. Mary's with one simple click! Log on to https://smile.amazon.com/ and shop just as you would on Amazon and a percentage of your total purchase will come back to St. Mary's.